How Online Learning can change the Future!

According to India Today’s article published on 26 December 2020, *“One of the fastest-growing technological additions to education is artificial intelligence. With the 2020 pandemic coming into the picture, every institution has been forced to resort to online education. But as more people test the waters, they realize that virtual classrooms are also the future of education”.*

Let’s begin the discussion with the most important question-

Is online learning as effective as traditional learning?

For the learners who have the access to the right kind of required technology, several pieces of evidence have shown that learning virtually can be way more effective in various ways. Some research has shown that students retain approximately 25 to 60% more of the course material when they are learning online as compared to hardly 8 to 10% in a traditional classroom environment.

This is generally because of the students being able to learn at a quicker pace online. Online learning needs 40–60% less time as compared with the usual classroom teaching since the students can start and stop their learning at their own pace that suits their learning needs and mental state. Also, they can go back and re-read, skip or accelerate through concepts as they wish to and as required.

The effectiveness of various e-learning methods obviously varies amongst age groups. As per the general consensus on the younger generation, it is that a rather structurally stable environment is needed as kids easily tend to lose focus and get distracted by even the smallest of things. To be able to utilize online learning to the fullest, concerted efforts are required to provide structure and we need to go beyond the replication of an offline class or lecture environment through video technology. We can, instead, try to optimize it by using a wide range of collaboration tools along with various methods of engagement that can promote the key aspects of inclusion and personalization.

In an article published by World Economic Forum on 29 April 2020, BYJU’s Mrinal Mohit said- *“Since studies have shown that children extensively use their senses to learn, making learning fun and effective through the use of technology is crucial. Over a period, we have observed that clever integration of games has demonstrated higher engagement and increased motivation towards learning especially among younger students, making them truly fall in love with learning”.*

It is not new information that this unexpected pandemic has truly disrupted a system of education that many experts had said was already becoming irrelevant. The book *21 Lessons for the 21st Century* by Yuval Noah Harari describes how schools still focus on traditional and outdated academic skills and rote learning instead of focusing on the development of skills like critical thinking and adaptability, which are predicted to be more important for success in the near future, in fact even today! Is it possible that this shift to online learning can act as the catalyst to lead to the formation of a novel, more effective technique of providing education to students across the globe? While some experts are worried that the sudden, hasty transition of the system may be hindering this goal,the others plan to make virtual learning a part of their ‘new normal’ after weighing the pros and cons.


Why is online learning better than traditional learning: 5 reasons

1) Flexibility

The new technology of online education has allowed the teachers as well as the students across the globe to set a learning pace of their own. In addition to this, it has also provided the flexibility of setting a schedule that can fit the agenda of maximum people so that the utilization of time is optimum. The use of a virtual educational platform has enabled people to strike a better balance between work/job and studies. So, the need to compromise with anything or give anything up is eliminated.

Studying online has taught students time management which is crucial for them in the long run.

If the agendas of the students and the teachers coincide, it can also prompt both the groups to accept new responsibilities and it will also provide more autonomy.

2) Spoilt for choice

In an ever-expanding virtual space like the internet, there are n number of skills/topics/subjects that can be taught and learned about. With the passage of time, an exponentially increasing number of universities and higher education schools have started offering online or virtual versions of their classic programs for various levels and disciplines. Right from performing arts to rotational physics, there is a huge variety of options for every type of student/learner. Studying a particular program online is also a good option for earning an official certificate, diploma, or even a degree without having to physically set your foot on the real university campus.

3) Accessibility

Virtual learning facilitates studying and/or teaching from any corner of the world. This implies that there is absolutely no need to be traveling from one place to another. The need to follow a strict routine is also eliminated. In addition to this, not only does everyone save their precious time, but also save a ton of money that is usually spent on transport costs like fuel, passes, etc which can be put to better use- for other priorities. These virtual classrooms are also available in all the places where an internet connection is available, and a good way to take advantage of this is to travel without traveling! What we’re trying to say is, for example, if you’ve enrolled yourselves in a course abroad and are looking for a job, online education would be a good option to consider. There is no need to give up on working or studying while you also get to explore new and exotic locations.

4) Customization

We have already mentioned above how flexibility aids to set up a pace conveniently. However, e-learning is also flexible for every student’s individual needs and abilities.

Virtual classes generally tend to be shorter and smaller than the traditional ones. The students often gain access to the course/study material that is quite diverse in nature and uses multimedia forms such as videos, photos, eBooks and this also enables the tutors to integrate various other formats like forums or discussions to drastically improve their lessons. This extra content can be made available at any time from anywhere, which will offer a better, more dynamic and personalized education experience to the students.

5) Easy on the packet

Bryce Welker, CEO of CPA Exam Guy, in his article published on 24 March 2021 on Entrepreneur blog said “Skyrocketing costs that cause crippling student loan debt is a gargantuan issue that has only gotten worse over time”.

In contrast to face-to-face education methods, virtual education is usually considered to be way more affordable. Apart from that, very often, there is also a wide range of options available that enable the students to pay either in installments or even make the payments per every class. This facilitates a better management of finances for those who are struggling with a tight budget.

Many students may also be able to receive waivers, discounts or scholarships and the price is rarely high in such cases. Money can also be saved from the daily commute and the purchase of various class materials, which are often available for free in the case of virtual learning. In short, the monetary investment is quite less, however, the results achieved are usually way better than the other options. It’s safe to say that the subscription-based education model is being tested in some places.

For example, Richard DeMillo, director of the Georgia Institute of Technology Center for 21st Century Universities, spoke with The New York Times and said- “The Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the places mulling a subscription model. It would include access to a worldwide network of mentors and advisers and whatever someone needs to do to improve their professional situation or acquire a new skill or get feedback on how things are going.”

Robots: The teachers of the future?

Georgia Tech is apparently experimenting with a teaching assistant named Jill Watson, a robot designed on the Jeopardy-winning supercomputer platform- IBM Watson. This Artificial Intelligence powered teaching assistant robot gives answers to the questions in a discussion forum along with human teaching assistants and surprisingly students most often are not able to distinguish among them if the professors’ comments are to be believed.

More of such innovations can aid the students to overcome several hindrances that they generally encounter in large class sizes or virtual courses. The university is also working on the development of virtual tutors, which may be viable in the next few years as per their prediction.

Why it is the need of the hour?

“Technology-driven collaboration will also help alleviate faculty shortages plaguing institutions worldwide” according to an article published by Harvard Business Review.

With regards to the corporate world, Leah Belsky quoted the example of Google IT Support Professional Certificate and mentioned in the article-

“As talent shortages grow worldwide, institutions, and enterprises must chart partnerships that equip learners with employable skills.”


Coursenator has given you the reasons to choose online learning over traditional learning. However, these are only a few of the many reasons to choose virtual education and why approximately 90% of the students today are of the opinion that e-learning is similar to or even better than the usual classroom experience. We suggest that every student must assess their own unique/individual situation and then make a decision as per their specific needs and/or goals.

Additionally, we think that while this system could be an alternative to the traditional education system, it may not be the perfect fit for everyone, however, it’s still quite a convenient option that can provide endless options for students all over the world and we also think that we can tap its potential to bring up the literacy rate in the world


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