What are the powerful reasons behind learners leaving their online courses?

Online learning is an educational platform that takes place over the internet. It is also known as distance learning or e-learning.


In this pandemic, students are not allowed to continue their offline classes in school, college or other educational institutions. They have found an alternative way of teaching i.e online learning. This platform is new to everyone. Students are bound to use e-learning which creates conflict between the students as some of the students find this mode very convenient and simple whereas some find it very confusing and time-consuming. 

These are the following reasons which made learners leave their online courses.

Poor Communication:

Online education can feel isolating. Students that lack self-esteem and confidence, hesitate to ask doubts which results in a poor understanding of the chapter. E-learning is new to India. Just like students, teachers also face many difficulties. They face problems conveying lectures to the students. On-campus learning is quite easy as compared to online classes. Students can ask their doubts in class, there will be teachers and students who will help him/her both in studies and other co-curricular activities. While in online learning, learners have to sit alone and stay motivated for quite long hours which is impossible.

Technological glitches :

Technology plays a vital role in distance learning. India is a country that has different types of landforms which include Mountains, deserts, plains, plateaus and islands. So, it is evident that not every region is blessed with technological development. Students living in remote areas face difficulties during online classes. Due to rough weather conditions network connections isn't good enough in the hilly regions. Poor Internet frustrates students and when it happens, some learners may leave the class.


E-learning consumes more time than on-campus classes. Students spend more time analysing, studying and writing assignments. If students have some doubts regarding any subject or assignment, he/she have to convey the message through typing a text and wait for the educators to respond. As we all know, typing consumes more time than speaking. In the same way, reading the lecture materials take more time than listening to the instructor to deliver them. 

Low motivation:

Low motivation doesn't mean laziness. There are infinite reasons that demotivate learners. Some of them are discussed above. It is quite impossible to sit in the same place for 5-6 hours in front of a cell- phone or laptop. It also affects our bodies. More than 50% of the students suffer from headaches, irritation in the eyes, pain in the backbone and most importantly lack of mental stability.


Believe it or not, the classroom environment is far better than the home environment. In India, most of the student's live in joint families and due to these pandemics, everyone stays at home which doesn't provide adequate space to the student. As Maria Montessori says, 

"The work of education is divided between the teacher and the environment "

which states that both teachers and the environment play a vital role in students education.

Time management:

As we have discussed above, online learning consumes more time than on-campus learning. In most cases, teachers send a 45 minutes video lecture which requires more than 2 hours of analysis, understanding and then finally writing. Online education provides a good platform where students can rewind, pause and replay the video lecture. These benefits can only be experienced when a student is responsible and completes every class in time, which is quite rare. These advantages turn into disadvantages by not attending a single class in a day. Online learning demands strong determination and self-discipline skills. You have to be dedicated to your studies. Today's generation lives on social media. While attending classes students should mute his/her WhatsApp and Instagram notification to avoid distraction. It is a very difficult choice but online learning should be given more priority.

More freedom:

Online education gives more freedom than on-campus learning. You are your boss. No one is there to guide you, you have to be conscious and disciplined. Online learning provides freedom which can be dangerous if you don't learn how to handle it. 

Responsible for your studies:

In online learning, only you are responsible for your studies. No one will be there to force you and make you study. You have to make your schedules and develop time management skills. You have to complete your backlogs and complete all the assignments promptly. It might be a bit hectic, but through proper planning and execution, you can complete every assignment in time.


Lack of practical knowledge:

Online courses can only teach the theoretical part but What about the practical knowledge? How can the practicals be done in online mode? How would medical and engineering students study? Learners get demotivated when practical classes are also done in online mode. Most of the time they lose interest and cannot relate with the teacher which ends with leaving the class. In today's world, practical knowledge is given more importance but due to this pandemic, students are taught practicals in online mode. 

                      Though there are many reasons to leave online classes, find one reason to stay motivated and continue the class. We have to make ourselves ready for every tough situation and conquer them with a big smile. Remember when G.S Anant said, 

"Be ready to face any situation because life always plans surprises".

I believe all the learners are strong enough to face the difficulties and start a new journey of education.


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