How to get Data Scientist jobs in 2021

 To answer this question, allow Coursenator to take 4 minutes of your life. Data Science is used  to gain insights and knowledge from different types of data, from this knowledge your ability to  get Data Science jobs will increase by 80%, Since I cant spoonfed you every step, you have to  figure out small things by yourself. 

The following example will help you understand better what Data Science can do in the 21st  Century. 

Data Science in marketing 

In the business world, how would you sort through the purchasing data to create your marketing  plan? You enforce data-driven marketing campaigns to predict customer behavior and  preferences. You can then use these insights to offer a more customized personal experience and  for specific targeting of your audience. The possibilities of using Data Science in marketing are  endless, maybe you learn Data Science and develop new methods of sorting through data which  can get you profits, bonuses, promotions, and a chance to start something of your own. Just like marketing Data Science can be applied to anything you can think of, In simple words, if  you analyze any data you have gathered you can find out ways to make the process more  efficient and/or profitable. 

Here are the 10 expertise in Data Science and will help you choose one

Next, I will explain the process of becoming a Data Scientist. 

The 5 golden steps 

1. Learn a programming language( ‘Python’ or ‘R’) 

If you don’t know what python is I would recommend this article, you can skim over it and come  back. R is the same as Python but it is used in statistical analysis and graphing, whereas Python  can literally do anything, from game development to web building, to website scraping. You can learn Python here with an additional project 

and you can learn R here for Data Science with another applied learning project. (There are many courses on Python and R for Data Science, Contact us [Coursenator] or scroll  down below to view the courses!) 

If you want to exercise your basics I would recommend this book to hone your skills until you  become a beast in Python and this book in R for Data Science. 

1. Learn Data Science 

The second part of your journey to becoming a Data Scientist is to learn the basics of Data  Science, there are multiple things but I won't bore you with the details but here is a course  for Data Science in Python and Data Science in R

1. Discover case studies and work on projects 

Once you get a hold of it, you should explore and research the following topics to get a hold of  the process. 

Data Science is an active, practical field of work and in order to perfect your skills, you need to  get hands-on experience by which you can gain true knowledge of Data Science. By actively working on these common projects you will find basic problems that you will face in  the field and start working on your approach to solving them. It’s all a game of application, think  outside the box and figure out where and how you can apply Data Science to your  activity/project/work/hobby. 

1. Achieve your certification and start building a portfolio

By working on projects and case studies, you build your online presence on sites  like Kaggle, Github, Linkedin, and others. This will help you get Data Science Jobs. In the 21st Century, job recruiters rarely hire people through the old fashioned way, through  these online sites, your projects will sway them in your direction and increase the chances of you  earning $100,000 per year! 

You can shape your portfolio on the basis of your interests, for example, if you like machine  learning, you need machine learning algorithms, you can also work on solving a business  problem with Data Science as I mentioned at the beginning of this article. 1. Take part in coding competitions 

If you want to master this field, Hackathons are the best way of doing it. Kaggle allows  participation in Data Science competitions, you will get an in-depth experience of how to solve  Data Science, and then you will be a beast in this field of work. Here is a video on how you can  enroll in a Kaggle competition. 

I have explained, how you can become a Data Scientist by starting with online courses and  continue your way forward by working on live projects, building a portfolio, and participate in  Kaggle competitions. 

In the end, it’s all about hard work, you need to have determination, resolve and if you follow all  of these steps correctly and efficiently you will have a boost in self-confidence that will help you  in your career and your personal life too. 

These are some of the best nanodegree programs which will get you certified to be a data  scientist, and I say with 100% accuracy if you bag one of these, you will get a job on the internet  by which you can begin your journey of becoming a successful Data Scientist without actually  going to a university. If you have followed every step efficiently and with consistency, you will  land a job like buying a pack of chewing gum, as the metaphor defines, you may not get the best flavored gum the first time, you have to travel far (in life) and achieve that success you have  been dreaming of 

here’s a review of udacity’s data science nanodegree

Find out why udacity’s programs can help you get a job. 

Data Science for Business Leaders 

Become a Data Scientist 

Become a Data Engineer 

Data Streaming 

Programming for Data Science with R 

Programming for Data Science with Python 

Data Visualization 

Become a Data Analyst 

Become a Data Product Manager 

Here are some specializations from Coursera 

Advanced Data Science with IBM specialization 

Data Science: Statistics and Machine Learning Specialization 

Data Science Specialization 

IBM Data Science Professional Certificate 

IBM Data Analyst 

Coursenator wishes you the best of luck on your learning journey 

Kickstart your learning!

Coursera Free Courses 

So A lot of people ask me, Pranay are there any free courses on  Coursera? I always tell them that All of the courses on Coursera  are free but you can only audit them, if you want the certificate  you have to pay $39-$49. 

Coursera partners with more than 200 leading universities and  companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online  learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. They offer a  range of learning opportunities — from hands-on projects and  courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs. 

Here are 7 steps by which you can get a Coursera certificate for  free. Follow them and you can learn anything from anywhere! 

Step 1 

Go to and click the button on the top right

Step 2 

After clicking on the button, Sign up with your name, e-mail  address, and password 


Just sign in with Google or Facebook, nowadays all the online  platforms provide ways to sign in using popular sites.

When you’re signed in, search for any subject or topic of your  choosing, 

For example, I want to learn programming so I searched for  “programming “ and I selected the third course. 

You can apply filters to the courses as well, some of the filters  include: 


You can learn in any language from Spanish, Russian, French,  Portuguese, Arabic, German, Vietnamese, Italian, and more. 


You can decide on the level and study according to your current  level of knowledge, there are three levels, Beginner, Intermediate,  Mixed and Advanced. 


You can choose how long you want the course to be, less than 2  hours or 1–3 months or 1–4 weeks or 4+ months. 


If you search for programming a lot of different courses will show  up, Now you can decide on which of the skills in programming do 

you want to work on. For example, Python, Javascript, Java, C++,  etc. 


You can also choose courses according to the top-rated  

universities like Harvard and MIT and learn from them. 

Learning product 

You can choose between which learning product, courses, guided  projects, specializations, professional certificates, Mastertrack  certificates, and Degrees.

After that click on the “Enroll now” button

After doing that there will be two options, “Purchase Course” or  “Full course, no certificate”

You can buy the course or you can complete the course without  any certificate OR you can complete the course and then pay and  get the certificate.

All done, you can start learning! 

Thank you for reading Coursenator’s blog post and if you have any  questions you can reach us at, we’ll be sure to reply to you in a  day!


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