FutureLearn Micro-credentials

 FutureLearn launches micro-credentials programs for lifting society with the latest techniques and ideas. Nowadays, after the graduation degree, people start looking up jobs, and after struggling with the trauma of rejection, they somehow find a minimum job for their survival. Even after three consecutive years in an educational institution, people still struggle with their position in employment and placements, but why is it like that? It is because, People when they try to build up their CV for finding new jobs, they found a gap between their education and skills. Universities help you understand what is in the book, but they fail to know how to use that bookish knowledge and add more to yourself and achieve a skill. Some people are stuck in a single position for years in their working firm, and some can't find a new one. People are dealing with anxieties about working the same regular job without upgrading themselves.

FutureLearn micro-credentials are like MOOCs, and they offer those courses which can add more knowledge to your field. For example, if a person has a management degree from any University or an educational institution but still doesn't know anything about project management, they know its basics. Micro-credentials from FutureLearn can help them through their courses. FutureLearn micro-credentials offers you those courses which add more skills to your field.

About Micro-credential:-

Every morning when you wake up, there is something new you would find around the world. Suppose the machine from which you were gaining output of 20 units. Still, the latest technology made it easier and faster, which could get you, 30 units at the same time, then your boss asks you to bring that technology into their firm and start using it as soon as possible. Here is the point where you should ask for help from Futurelearn because, for this exact reason, they had launched micro-credential courses to help people with the latest ideas and knowledge about their field.

In brief, micro-credentials fill the gap between your knowledge and skills and help you gain professional Credit from the famous education institutions and universities in your specific field.

Micro-credentials provide you with the latest knowledge and help you build your CV even more potent and better. Every big firm or start-up keeps looking for people who have the latest knowledge about the market (Here market means, about their Field or specific area Like, Technology, Sales and advertisement ideas, etc.). The new ideas about the particular field could help the firms grow more, so they are even ready to pay high salaries for their recruitment. Learning from Micro-credential allows you to claim what could be yours if you have the proper knowledge with no holes in your field. 

Why Micro-credential?

Micro-credential is helpful, and indeed it will help you grow, but is it beneficial for a particular individual? 

       The answer is yes; it is helpful for every individual. If you are an undergraduate student or working in a field of yours in any firm, you must look into micro-credentials provided by FutureLearn. 

Here are some reasons for how micro-credential could be more accessible and helpful to you for learning new things:-

  • You don't want months and years of learning if you are already working in any firm. You don't want numerous dates for promotion, neither you want to get fixed in one position for a lifetime. Yes, we agree on that particular matter, and we understand how it messes up your life, and this is why I guess we are here to help you with your problem. 

                          FutureLearn brings micro-credential for every problem you were facing in the above lines. They offer those courses that help you boost your knowledge about the field you are in, and you can complete those courses in just a few weeks. You can gain credits from the presenting universities of that course which will help you to grow more. In conclusion, micro-credentials are fast and easy for you to understand and to explore more about your specialization.

  • FutureLearn has collaborated with the most prominent institutions and leading firms to create micro-credentials for the students like you. Certificates from those industries will help your CV look better, and the knowledge and ideas you will gain from them are breathtaking. Perks and certificates offered by those industries will help you get the position you want in society.


  • Knowledge about your field would be internationally based. The ideas you will learn, and the knowledge you will get are all from those applying it on an international level. It means the ability you will get will help your firm to grow better at the macro level.

  • Now, you have everything you want on your plate, but what about the universities offering these all credentials? How do you find them? It Is effortless; all you need is a suitable electronic device and an excellent internet to connect with them. You can access all those courses while just sitting on your couch or at your study table. All the courses are online so that you don't have to waste your time traveling from one place to another.

  • Micro-credentials provides you with professional skills with the help of professionals to make your portfolio attractive and uplift your skills towards your area. 

Core points related to FutureLearn’s Micro-credential Courses 

When Micro-credentials was launched, FutureLearn had set some specific standards for their courses so that an individual could earn academic credit for their portfolio. Some of those standards are written below that you must read before you go for any classes from FutureLearns'  Micro-credentials.

The points are:-

  • The course time length should not be more than 160 hours, and the minimum limit depends on the type that one had picked.

  • The offering institution or universities should conduct regular assessments in any course to help the students showcase it on their portfolio as a gained skill.

  • The courses from the micro-credentials should be set at minimum 7th level of the offering university's national qualification framework.

  • After or before completing any course, the offering university should give a certificate to their students and a slip, mentioning the details about the courses conducted by an individual, like Total study hours, Credit gained by the student, And the system benefited an individual student.

Best Micro-credentials For you

After checking the standards of every individual course, Coursenator has listed some of the best micro-credentials for you. The Micro-credentials listed below are from Different fields, and one can explore more about them or know about any other different fields as suitable to them through the link given at the end of this article.

* The below micro-credentials are not listed as ranks or the top best, but the numbers are given for better reading. 

  1. Agile Leadership and management:-  

After the Collaboration with the Agile Business Consortium, the open university had presented this course with intense research and real-life tools to create a better understanding between students and the skills they are willing to obtain.

Agile leadership management means knowing and learning the skill of adapting to the change in the environment; the creating tactics for their workers to work productively and give the best output for their organization.

This will increase the efficiency of your organization as wells as of your workers. 

This course will help you gain leadership skills and lead you to make crucial decisions for your organization.

What skills you will gain:-

> Ability to build a team

> Ability to make value-based decisions

> Stakeholder engagement, and many more.

There are some eligibility points that you should know to get this micro-credential, and they are:-

  1. A bachelor degree or any other equivalent degree,

  2. Two years of working experience in team projects or management roles.

What is the output from this course?

You'll get 15uk postgraduate level 7 academic points from the Open University.

One-year free membership of Agile business consortium with complete tools and other beneficiaries.

Unlimited access to your course material.

The course will start from 14 March 2022 and continue until 12 weeks, 13 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link-> https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/agile-leadership-and-management.

  1. AWS: Machine Learning foundations

Technology is the core part of this rapidly growing world, and the people who are a part of it are now making huge money. Every enterprise, factory, Household uses machines because It comforts us with less work, stress, and time, and this is the reason now people are spending more money on devices than other stuff. In the 21st century, learning about machines will lead you to the way where you can make your life luxurious. After knowing about this mind-blowing field, FutureLearn launched a micro-credential in machine learning so that an individual can learn about its foundations quickly by using Amazon web services. 

What skills you will gain:-

> Deploying machine learning models,

> Using it for the following purposes:- 

                          Computer vision,

                          Forecasting, and

                          Natural language processing.

> And, many more terms.

There are some eligibility points that you should know to get this micro-credential, and they are:-

  1. Basic knowledge about business and IT.

  2. Full of experience with python or JSON or any other equivalent.

  3. Foundation knowledge about Statistics and how it works.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 10uk undergraduate academic points from the Open University.

Unlimited access to your course material.

A certificate of completion from the AWS academy.

The course will start from 20 March 2022 and continue for ten weeks, 10 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link-> https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/aws-machine-learning-foundations

  1. Business management: financial accounting for non-financial roles.

Learning Financial skills will help your enterprise with financial problems and help you save a massive amount of money from any fraud financial professionals. The open university creates this masterpiece with FutureLearn to help you with Financial knowledge. Learning about financial accounting will help you make a crucial financial decision for your company, even if you are not a professional. 

What skills you will gain:-

> You'd be able to create a financial statement for your company,

> Cash flow analysis,        

> Better Communication,

> Financial management, and many more.

Note:- There is no minimum requirement of any knowledge or experience in this particular micro-credential course by FutureLearn. This is an entire explanatory course that will help you learn from the start till the end and help you understand how to use that knowledge in different sectors or industries within your industry. For example, If you move from one firm to another, the knowledge you'd gain from this course will help you do the work to the best of your skills.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 10uk undergraduate academic points from the Open University.

Unlimited access to your course material.

The course will start from 28 March 2022 and continue for ten weeks, 10 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link-> https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/business-management-financial-accounting-for-non-financial-roles

  1. Project management

At every economic level, the crucial decision is made when a party receives a project or plan to build it for another party or their enterprise. 

Project management is one of the best analytical and highest paid jobs which one could have. For that, every individual should have the power to build vital decisions related to project management for their companies.

What skills you will gain:-

> Risk management,

> Communication,

> Planning, time management, and scheduling,

> resource management, and many more.

Note:- There is no minimum requirement of any knowledge or experience in this particular micro-credential course by FutureLearn. This is an undergraduate course for all the desired students, which will help them learn from the start till the end and help them understand how to use that knowledge in different sectors or industries within their industry. For example, If you move from one firm to another, the knowledge you'd gain from this course will help you do the work to the best of your skills.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 10uk undergraduate academic points from the Open University.

Unlimited access to your course material.

A certificate of completion from the AWS academy.

The course will start from 20 March 2022 and continue for ten weeks, 10 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link-> https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/business-management-project-management


  1.  Change tools

This course will help you build those skills that will help your company adapt to any changes quickly and allow you to use those changing tools to achieve the motive of any project.

What skills you will gain:-

> Change visualization and plans,

> Communication plans, and many more skills.

You should be proficient in English and have an undergraduate degree in the relative field for this course.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive .0.5 Deakin credit points from Deakin University.

A Digital certificate of completion from Deakin University.

The course will start on 29 November 2021 and continue for six weeks, 10 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link-> https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/mmc706-od

  1.  Cisco: CCNA- Introduction to open network

This course will help you to build those skills which will help your organization in Infrastructural networking. 

What skills you will gain:-

>  IP addressing, 

> LAN technologies,

> Network Troubleshooting and many more.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 10UK credit points from the Open University.

A certificate of completion from the Open University.

The course will start from 28 March 2022 and continue for ten weeks, 10 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link-> https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/business-manahttps://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/cisco-ccna.

  1.  Cisco: Python Programming (OpenEDG)

This course will help you build Python programming Skills and learn how to use them in your practical life.  

What skills you will gain:-

>  Coding with python, 

> Modular Coding,

> Application of coding concept and many more.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 10UK credit points from the Open University.

A certificate of completion from the Open University.

The course will start from 28 March 2022 and continue for ten weeks, 10 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link- https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/cisco-python-programming.

  1.  Data Analytics For decision making. 

This course will help you to build Data Analysis Skills and how to use them in decision making.  

What skills you will gain:-

>  Data process, 

>  Data visualization,

>  Ethical Data handling and many more.

There are a total of 3 courses in this micro-credential.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 15UK credit points from the University of London.

Course 1 will start on 24 January 2022 and continue for four weeks, 12 hours per week.

Course 2 will start on 21 February 2022 and continue for four weeks, 12 hours per week.

Course 3 will start on 21 March 2022 and continue for four weeks, 12 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link- https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/data-analytics-for-decision-making.

  1.  Fashion Business

This course will help you to practice Fashion designing with practical knowledge about the fashion business and market.

What skills you will gain:-

> Fashion business strategy, 

> Fashion branding,

> Fashion culture and many more.

There are a total of 4 courses in this micro-credential.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 4 ECTS credits at the Undergraduate level from Institut Français de la Mode.

Course 1 will start on 10 January 2022 and continue for three weeks, 10 hours per week.

Course 2 will start on 31 January 2022 and continue for three weeks, 11 hours per week.

Course 3 will start on 21 February 2022 and continue for three weeks, 11 hours per week.

Course 4 will start on 15 March 2022 and continue for two weeks, 12 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link- https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/fashion-business.

  1.  Digital Photography

This course will help you to practice Digital Photography with practical knowledge about its tools and uses.

What skills you will gain:-

> Intentional Photography, 

> Visual awareness,

> Collaborations and many more.

What is the output from this course?

You’ll receive 10UK credit points from the Open University.

A certificate of photography from the Royal Photographic Society.

The course will start from 28 March 2022 and continue for ten weeks, 10 hours per week.

To register or to know more about this micro-credential, click on this link-> https://www.futurelearn.com/microcredentials/digital-photography-discover-your-genre. 

In the end, We'd like to conclude here about everything you have covered this far. Micro-credential is the credit-based course from FutureLearn that will help you gain skills at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels within a short period. The classes are offered from one of the best universities and institutions from around the world.

To know more about Micro-credentials and the courses, Please Click on the below links.

About micro-credentials:- https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/what-are-microcredentials.

About micro-credentials and their programs:- https://www.futurelearn.com/programs.

More courses from Micro-credential:- https://www.futurelearn.com/search?filter_type=microcredential&q=Microcredentials.


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